EPAC competition NL 2013, August 31 & September 1

August 14th, 2013

Dear friends,

In short this is what the plans are:
· Friday evening: early-registration on the campsite after you’ve installed yourself. Fee is €50,00/ pilot.
· Saturday morning 8-ish: late registration at the flying-site Lat 51 N 45 110 - Lon 004 E 27 300.
· 8-30 ish: wind dummy before target set-up and after that target set-up.
· 9-ish: briefing (no complains, just do as you’re told) and start of the competition.
· About 8 pm: We will have the Chinese Sky Rebel Diner. Please make your reservation before the briefing.
· Sunday morning: resume of the competition. Starting time to be announced doing the Chinese Sky Rebel Diner.
· Last round, to be determined at the Saturday morning briefing.
· Prize giving, same thing.

Looking forward to see you all.

With kind regards,
Team Paragliding Club Sky Rebels

Entry Filed under: Wedstrijden, competition

4 Comments Add your own

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